Using high-potential firms as the key to achieving territorial development☆
Section snippets
Theoretical framework
Data and method
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Determinants of women entrepreneurs’ firm performance in a hostile environment
2018, Journal of Business ResearchCitation Excerpt :Similarly, many researchers find that management skills are positively related to firm performance (Mari et al., 2016; Prasad et al., 2013; Rey-Martí, Tur Porcar, & Mas-Tur, 2015; Shane & Venkataraman, 2007; Staniewski et al., 2016), while other studies highlight a lack of such a relationship (Kimosop et al., 2016). With regard to the relationship between the entrepreneur's age and firm performance, some studies find no link between the two variables (Akehurst, Simarro, & Mas-Tur, 2012; Lafuente & Rabetino, 2011; Lerner & Almor, 2002; Mas-Tur et al., 2015), while other studies find a positive link between age and performance (Pinazo-Dallenbach, Mas-Tur, & Lloria, 2016). Younger women entrepreneurs encounter greater difficulty in securing financing because creditors may question their creditworthiness, which translates into lower firm performance (Coleman, 2000; Pinazo-Dallenbach et al., 2016).
Barriers to innovation and knowledge generation: The challenges of conducting business and social research in an emerging country context
2019, Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeCitation Excerpt :The current authors also argue for greater variety in research methods and analysis in the UAE context. For example, there has been exponential growth in publications using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) in business and social science research in the past decade (Roig-Tierno, Gonzalez-Cruz, & Llopis-Martinez, 2017), with many more scholars recently advocating for the usefulness of the approach for new theory building (Lee & Raschke, 2016; Pinazo-Dallenbach, Mas-Tur, & Lloria, 2016; Roig-Tierno, Huarng, & Ribeiro-Soriano, 2016; Ryan, 2017b). The wider application of research tools such as qualitative comparative analysis has the potential to radically improve theoretical and practical understanding of the UAE business and social context.
What Type of Entrepreneurship Leads to Sustainable Development? A Configurational Approach
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2019, Journal of Small Business ManagementWork-Family Balance and Marketing Capabilities as Determinants of Chinese Women Entrepreneurs' Firm Performance
2017, Journal of Global Marketing
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- The authors thank Norat Roig Tierno, Polytechnic University of Valencia, for the valuable help in the methodological part.