ERP implementation failures in China: Case studies with implications for ERP vendors
- Yajiong XueHuigang LiangW. BoultonC. Snyder
- 18 September 2005
Business, Computer Science
Risk Analysis for Information Technology
- R. RainerC. SnyderH. H. Carr
- 1 June 1991
Computer Science, Business
A risk analysis process that employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies is proposed that should provide managers with a better approximation of their organization's overall information technology risk posture.
An Empirical Assessment of the
This study first defines the IRM construct as a comprehensive approach to planning, organizing, budgeting, directing, monitoring, and controlling the people, funding, technologies, and activities to meet a business need for the benefit of the entire enterprise.
Development of a Measure for the Organizational Learning Construct
- Gary F. TempletonB. LewisC. Snyder
- 1 October 2002
Business, Computer Science
This research represents the initial work in developing an empirically reliable and valid measure of organizational learning and includes an eightfactor, 28-item instrument for assessing OL, derived from a sample of 119 knowledge-based firms.
ERP adoption: a technological evolution approach
- Sock H. ChungC. Snyder
- 1 April 2000
Computer Science, Business
It is suggested that ERP could facilitate achieving compatibility between task characteristics and technology characteristics, a long overdue IT solution.
An Empirical Assessment of the Information Resource Management Construct
This study defines the IRM construct as a comprehensive approach to planning, organizing, budgeting, directing, monitoring, and controlling the people, funding, technologies, and activities associated with acquiring, storing, processing, and distributing data to meet a business need for the benefit of the entire enterprise.
Environmental Scanning for Information Technology: An Empirical Investigation
- J. L. MaierR. RainerC. Snyder
- 1 September 1997
Computer Science, Environmental Science
This study uses data from 131 top information systems managers to examine differences in the three types of organizations across a number of issues concerning the process of scanning the external IT environment.
The Effects of Relational and Entity-Relationship Data Models on Query Performance of End Users
- W. JihD. BradbardC. SnyderNancy G. A. Thompson
- 1 September 1989
Computer Science
Int. J. Man Mach. Stud.
The obstacles to successful CIM
- R. McGaugheyC. Snyder
- 1 December 1994
Business, Engineering
Knowledge Management: The Role of EPSS
- D. McManusC. Snyder
- 2003
Business, Computer Science
An argument is presented to show the linkage between components of a KM system and an Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) that can perform an essential role of encapsulating and delivering knowledge at the time needed.