Relativistic motion in a nearby bright X-ray source
- Steven J. TingayD. Jauncey D. Smits
- 1 March 1995
THE recent discovery1 of radio components apparently moving away from a Galactic source of transient X-ray emission faster than the speed of light (superluminal motion) has identified a low-energy…
A Chandra Survey of Quasar Jets: First Results
- H. MarshallD. Schwartz D. Jauncey
- 23 September 2004
We present results from Chandra X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of a flux-limited sample of flat-spectrum radio-emitting quasars with jetlike extended structure. Twelve of 20 quasar jets are detected…
VLA observations of a complete sample of core-dominated radio sources
Maps with high dynamic range are presented of a well-defined sample of powerful core-dominated radio sources, all of which have 5-GHz core flux densities >1 Jy. The maps were made at a frequency of…
GipsyX/RTGx, a new tool set for space geodetic operations and research
- W. BertigerY. Bar-Sever P. Willis
- 22 April 2020
Engineering, Environmental Science
“RadioAstron”-A telescope with a size of 300 000 km: Main parameters and first observational results
- N. KardashevV. Khartov V. E. Yakimov
- 13 March 2013
Physics, Engineering
The Russian Academy of Sciences and Federal Space Agency, together with the participation of many international organizations, worked toward the launch of the RadioAstron orbiting space observatory…
Discovery of a Subparsec Radio Counterjet in the Nucleus of Centaurus A
- Dayton L. JonesS. Tingay V. Migenes
- 4 June 1996
A subparsec scale radio counterjet has been detected in the nucleus of the closest radio galaxy, Centaurus A (NGC 5128), with VLBI imaging at 2.3 and 8.4 GHz. This is one of the first detections of a…
The VLBI Space Observatory Programme and the Radio-Astronomical Satellite HALCA
- H. HirabayashiH. Hirosawa M. Popov
- 1 December 2000
Physics, Engineering
The radio astronomy satellite HALCA was launched by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science in 1997 February to participate in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations with…
Overview and initial results of the very long baseline interferometry space observatory programme
- H. HirabayashiHaruto Hirosawa Roy Booth
- 18 September 1998
VSOP images of the gamma-ray source 1156+295, the quasar 1548+056, the ultraluminous quasar 0014+813, and the superluminal quasar 0212+735 are presented and discussed.
The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey I. Compilation and Observations
- H. HirabayashiE. Fomalont J. Gimeno
- 1 December 2000
The VSOP mission is a Japanese-led project to image radio sources with sub-milliarcsec resolution by correlating the signal from the orbiting 8-m telescope, HALCA, with a global array of telescopes.…
Interstellar Broadening of Images in the Gravitational Lens PKS 1830–211
- D. JonesR. Preston T. V. van Ommen
- 1 August 1996
The remarkably strong radio gravitational lens PKS 1830-211 consists of a 1'' diameter Einstein ring with two bright compact (milliarcsecond) components located on opposite sides of the ring. We have…