Transient Ischemic Attacks in Rural and Urban Northern Portugal: Incidence and Short-Term Prognosis
- M. CorreiaM. SilvaR. MagalhãesLaura GuimarãesM. Silva
- 1 January 2006
The incidence of TIA in northern Portugal, particularly in rural populations, ranks among the highest reported in community-based studies, following closely the stroke incidence trend (ACINrpc).
Changes in stroke incidence, outcome, and associated factors in Porto between 1998 and 2011
- M. CorreiaR. MagalhãesR. FelgueirasC. QuintasLaura GuimarãesM. C. Silva
- 1 February 2017
Risk of stroke, mainly of hemorrhagic stroke, was substantially reduced over time and timely action in acute phase was responsible for the decline in disability across periods.
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: A Laboratory and Hands-on Experimental Activity to Promote Environmental Sustainability Awareness and Value of Aquaculture Products
- M. CorreiaI. Azevedo Laura Guimarães
- 20 March 2020
Environmental Science
A hands-on experimental activity was developed to teach and communicate recent scientific advances in environmental sustainability and value of aquaculture products to young students and the general public and indicated that the overall frequency of students who consider the ocean to be “very important” and “extremely important’ increased from 68 to 81% after performing the experimental activity.
Improving perception and acceptability of aquaculture through hands-on experimental activities for schools
- M. CorreiaH. PeresM. AlmeidaLaura Guimarães
- 2019
Education, Environmental Science
Editorial: Seafood: nutrition savior or safety hazard?
- Sara SousaM. MaiaLaura GuimarãesV. Domingues
- 26 July 2023
Agricultural and Food Sciences, Environmental Science
COPYRIGHT © 2023 Sousa, Maia, Guimarães and Domingues. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or…