A mature cluster with X-ray emission at z = 2.07
- R. GobatE. Daddi M. Mignoli
- 8 November 2010
We report evidence of a fully established galaxy cluster at z = 2.07, consisting of a ∼20σ overdensity of red, compact spheroidal galaxies spatially coinciding with extended X-ray emission detected…
The DART Imaging And CaT Survey of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
- G. BattagliaE. Tolstoy K. Sadakane
- 17 August 2006
Aims. As part of the DART project we have used the ESO ESO/2.2m Wide Field Imager in conjunction with the VLT/FLAMES(star star) GIRAFFE spectrograph to study the detailed properties of the resolved…
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Subaru Observations of the HST Cosmos Field
- Y. TaniguchiN. Scoville K. Ohta
- 12 December 2006
We present deep optical imaging observations of 2 square degree area, covered by the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), made by the prime-focus camera (Supreme-Cam) on the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope.…
- D. KashinoJ. Silverman Y. Taniguchi
- 18 September 2013
Physics, Environmental Science
We present the first results from a near-IR spectroscopic survey of the COSMOS field, using the Fiber Multi-Object Spectrograph on the Subaru telescope, designed to characterize the star-forming…
The rapid formation of a large rotating disk galaxy three billion years after the Big Bang
- R. GenzelL. Tacconi M. Mignoli
- 16 August 2006
High-angular-resolution observations of a representative luminous star-forming galaxy when the Universe was only 20% of its current age suggest rapid assembly, fragmentation and conversion to stars of an initially very gas-rich protodisk, with no obvious evidence for a major merger.
The Surprisingly Steep Mass Profile of A1689, from a Lensing Analysis of Subaru Images
- T. BroadhurstMasahiro Takada Naoj
- 8 December 2004
Subaru observations of A1689 (z = 0.183) are used to derive an accurate, model-independent mass profile for the entire cluster, r ≲ 2 Mpc h-1, by combining magnification bias and distortion…
The Build-up of the Colour-Magnitude Relation
- Masayuki TanakaT. Kodama Toru Yamada
- 29 June 2005
Abstract We discuss the build-up of the colour-magnitude relation. The colour-magnitude relation first appears at the bright end and the faint end appears later. Interestingly, the build-up of…
A New View of the Dwarf Spheroidal Satellites of the Milky Way from VLT FLAMES: Where Are the Very Metal-poor Stars?
- A. HelmiM. Irwin T. Szeifert
- 10 November 2006
As part of the Dwarf galaxies Abundances and Radial-velocities Team (DART) program, we have measured the metallicities of a large sample of stars in four nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph's):…
A Wide Area Survey for High-Redshift Massive Galaxies. I. Number Counts and Clustering of BzKs and EROs
We present the results of a deep, wide area, optical and near-IR survey of massive high-redshift galaxies. The Suprime-Cam on the Subaru telescope was used to obtain BRIz′ imaging over 2 × 940…
Two Distinct Ancient Components in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy: First Results from the Dwarf Abundances and Radial Velocities Team
- E. TolstoyM. Irwin Tom Abel
- 20 December 2004
We have found evidence for the presence of two distinct ancient stellar components (both ≥10 Gyr old) in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We used the ESO Wide Field Imager in conjunction with…