Understanding and Mitigating Uncertainty in Online Exchange Relationships: A Principal-Agent Perspective
- P. PavlouHuigang LiangYajiong Xue
- 1 March 2007
Business, Economics
This study draws upon and extends the principal-agent perspective to identify and propose a set of four antecedents of perceived uncertainty in online buyer seller relationship superceived information asymmetry, fears of seller opportunism, information privacy concerns, and information security concerns which facilitate online exchange relationships by overcoming the agency problems of adverse selection and moral hazard.
Assimilation of Enterprise Systems: The Effect of Institutional Pressures and the Mediating Role of Top Management
- Huigang LiangNilesh SarafQing HuYajiong Xue
- 1 March 2007
Business, Computer Science
This model explains how top management mediates the impact of external institutional pressures on the degree of usage of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and finds that normative pressures directly affect ERP usage.
Avoidance of Information Technology Threats: A Theoretical Perspective
- Huigang LiangYajiong Xue
- 1 March 2009
Computer Science
The technology threat avoidance theory (TTAT), which explains individual IT users' behavior of avoiding the threat of malicious information technologies, enhances the understanding of human behavior under IT threats and makes an important contribution to IT security research and practice.
Understanding Security Behaviors in Personal Computer Usage: A Threat Avoidance Perspective
- Huigang LiangYajiong Xue
- 1 July 2010
Computer Science, Psychology
It is found that users’ IT threat avoidance behavior is predicted by avoidance motivation, which, in turn, is determined by perceived threat, safeguard effectiveness, safeguard cost, and self-efficacy.
Resource Structuring or Capability Building? An Empirical Study of the Business Value of Information Technology
- Nianxin WangHuigang LiangWeijun ZhongYajiong XueJinghua Xiao
- 1 October 2012
Computer Science, Business
A research model positing that IT resources and IT capabilities enhance a firm's performance by providing support to its competitive strategies and core competencies, and the strengths of these supports vary in accord with environmental dynamism is developed.
ERP implementation failures in China: Case studies with implications for ERP vendors
- Yajiong XueHuigang LiangW. BoultonC. Snyder
- 18 September 2005
Business, Computer Science
Information Technology Governance in Information Technology Investment Decision Processes: The Impact of Investment Characteristics, External Environment, and Internal Context
- Yajiong XueHuigang LiangW. Boulton
- 1 March 2008
Business, Computer Science
The variation of IT Governance archetypes suggests that even when top management approval is required, the IT department may not play a key role in the IT investment decision process and that the allocation of final decision rights is only a part of IT governance.
Team climate, empowering leadership, and knowledge sharing
- Yajiong XueJohn H. BradleyHuigang Liang
- 5 April 2011
Business, Psychology
It is suggested that cohesive, innovative teams with members trusting one another and led by empowering leaders will have a higher level of knowledge sharing, which has practical implications for how to design teams to facilitate knowledge sharing.
Understanding and Mitigating Uncertainty in Online Environments: A Principal-Agent Perspective
- P. PavlouHuigang LiangYajiong Xue
- 1 January 2006
Business, Computer Science
This study draws upon and extends the principal-agent perspective to identify and propose a set of four antecedents of perceived uncertainty in online buyer-seller relationships - perceived information asymmetry, fears of seller opportunism, information privacy concerns, and information security concerns - which are drawn from the agency problems of adverse selection and moral hazard.
Ensuring Employees' IT Compliance: Carrot or Stick?
- Huigang LiangYajiong XueLiansheng Wu
- 1 June 2013
Computer Science, Business
An in-depth understanding of reward and punishment in mandatory IT settings and suggests that regulatory focus, reward, punishment, and compliance behavior is moderated by prevention focus.