DOI:10.1007/978-1-4471-1021-7_54 - Corpus ID: 15163065
Dynamic Issues in Robot Visual-Servo Systems
@inproceedings{Corke1996DynamicII, title={Dynamic Issues in Robot Visual-Servo Systems}, author={Peter Corke}, year={1996}, url={} }
- Peter Corke
- Published 1996
- Computer Science, Engineering
This paper poses a number of questions related to the performance and structure of closed-loop visual control, or visual servo, systems and the choice of feedback versus feedforward control.
35 Citations
35 Citations
Performance Real-Time Visual Servoing Systems
- Jmg ZhangR. LumiaJohn E. WoodG. Stam
- Engineering, Computer Science
- 2003
This paper proposes a novel visual servo implementation whose stability is independent of delay time, and proposes an analytical method to find the upper limit of acceptable delay, using equations derived from the Nyquist Stability Criterion.
A universal sensor control architecture considering robot dynamics
- F. LangeG. Hirzinger
- Computer Science, EngineeringConference Documentation International Conference…
- 2001
The paper presents a dynamical sensor control architecture that allows robot arms to perform tasks that with conventional feedback of sensor data fail because of delays or deviations due to the robot…
Design, delay and performance in gaze control: Engineering and biological approaches
- Peter Corke
- Engineering, BiologyBlock Island Workshop on Vision and Control
- 1997
Control models for robotic and biological gaze control systems are reviewed with an emphasis on dynamics characteristics and performance, taking into account more recent neurophysiological models and high-performance visual servoing results.
High speed parallel kinematic manipulator state estimation from legs observation
- E. OzgurRedwan DahmoucheN. AndreffP. Martinet
- Computer Science, Engineering2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on…
- 2013
This paper shows how to estimate positions and velocities simultaneously at a reasonable accuracy and speed and validated this theory, a step to control parallel robots at high speed by their leg kinematics, with simulations and experiments.
Direct Dynamic Visual Servoing at 1 Khz by Using the Product as One Dimensional Encoder
- J. de BestM. van de MolengraftM. Steinbuch
- Engineering, Physics
— The research described in this paper focusses on direct dynamic visual servoing. A mechanical system is controlled on the basis of vision only. Therefore, with respect to the kinematic visual…
Delay dependent stability limits in high performance real-time visual servoing systems
- Jing ZhangR. LumiaJohn E. WoodG. Starr
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2003
This paper proposes a novel visual servo implementation whose stability is independent of delay time, and proposes an analytical method to find the upper limit of acceptable delay, using equations derived from the Nyquist stability criterion.
Predictive vision based control of high speed industrial robot paths
- F. LangeP. WunschG. Hirzinger
- EngineeringProceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference…
- 1998
A predictive architecture is presented to react on sensor data in the case of high speed motion and low bandwidth sensor data for the vision based control of an industrial robot to track a contour at a speed of 1.6 m/s.
High Speed Visual Motion Control Applied to Products With Repetitive Structures
- Jeroen de BestR. V. D. MolengraftM. Steinbuch
- Engineering
- 2012
This paper focusses on direct dynamic visual servoing at high sampling rates in machines used for the production of products that consist of equal features placed in a repetitive pattern. The word…
Direct dynamic visual servoing at 1 kHz by using the product as 1.5D encoder
- J. de BestM. van de MolengraftM. Steinbuch
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2009
This paper focusses on direct dynamic visual servoing at high sampling rates for machines used for the production of products that inherently consist of equal features placed in a repetitive pattern.…
Dynamic visual servoing with Kalman filter-based depth and velocity estimator
- Ting-Yu ChangWei-Che ChangM. ChengShih-Sian Yang
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2021
A Kalman filter-based depth and velocity estimator and a modified image-based dynamic visual servoing architecture that takes into consideration the system dynamics in its control design are proposed.
20 References
Controller Design for High-Performance Visual Servoing
- Peter CorkeM. Good
- Engineering, Computer Science
- 1993
High-Performance Visual Closed-Loop Robot Control
- Peter Corke
- Engineering, Computer Science
- 1994
A distinction between visual kinematic and visual dynamic control is introduced, concerned with how the manipulator should move in response to perceived visual features, which is well addressed in the literature.
Dynamic effects in high-performance visual servoing
- Peter CorkeM. Good
- EngineeringProceedings 1992 IEEE International Conference on…
- 1992
The authors discuss three dominant dynamic effects that are manifested in the use of robot end-mounted cameras for high-performance tracking and positioning tasks: time delay, time-varying loop gain due to perspective, and vibrations due to structural and drive compliance.
Dynamic visual servo control of robots: An adaptive image-based approach
- L. WeissA. SandersonC. Neuman
- Computer Science, EngineeringProceedings. 1985 IEEE International Conference…
- 1985
An analytical approach to dynamic robot visual servo control systems is formalized by first casting position-based and image-based strategies into classical feedback control structures, and a model reference adaptive controller is designed to satisfy these requirements.
Manipulator control with image-based visual servo
- K. HashimotoTsutomu KimotoT. EbineH. Kimura
- Engineering, Computer ScienceProceedings. 1991 IEEE International Conference…
- 1991
A visual feedback control scheme, called image-based visual servo, is proposed for manipulators with cameras on their hands that is stable even under noisy conditions, while the conventional position-based servo tends to be unstable.
Vision and control techniques for robotic visual tracking
- N. PapanikolopoulosP. KhoslaT. Kanade
- Engineering, Computer ScienceProceedings. 1991 IEEE International Conference…
- 1991
The authors propose the use of sum-of-squared differences optical flow for the computation of the vector of discrete displacements each instant of time for real-time visual tracking of arbitrary 3-D objects traveling at unknown velocities in a 2-D space.
Real-time visual feedback control for hand-eye coordinated robotic systems
- J. FeddemaO. MitchellC. S. Lee
- Engineering, Computer Science
- 1989
This thesis discusses three coherent main topics of visual feedback control as they pertain to the control of a hand-eye coordinated robotic system: a multi-loop resolved motion rate control structure, an adaptive self-tuning controller to fine tune the transformation from feature space to robot joint space and to predict the position of image features.
Improved force control laws for advanced tracking applications
- J. Schutter
- Engineering
- 1988
An approach is presented to improve the performance of existing control laws when the end effector is in contact with a moving object or when it moves along the surface of the object. The approach…
Dynamic Models for Control System Design of Integrated Robot and Drive Systems
- M. GoodL. SweetK. L. Strobel
- Engineering
- 1985
The design of high performance motion controls for industrial robots is based on accurate models for the robot arm and drive systems. This paper presents analytical models and experimental data to…
Introduction to dynamic models for robot force control
- S. EppingerW. Seering
- Engineering
- 1987
Endpoint compliance strategies for precise robot control utilize feedback from a force sensor located near the tool/ workpiece interface. The closed-loop performance of such endpoint force control…
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