Influence of congenital human cytomegalovirus infection and the NKG2C genotype on NK‐cell subset distribution in children

  title={Influence of congenital human cytomegalovirus infection and the NKG2C genotype on NK‐cell subset distribution in children},
  author={Daniel E. Noyola and Cl{\`a}udia Fortuny and Aura Muntasell and Antoni Noguera-Julian and Carmen Mu{\~n}oz-Almagro and Ana Alarcon and Teresa Juncosa and Manuela Moraru and Carlos Vilches and Miguel L{\'o}pez-Botet},
  journal={European Journal of Immunology},
Novel insights are provided on the impact of HCMV infection on the homeostasis of the NK‐cell compartment in children, revealing a modulatory influence of NKG2C copy number.