DOI:10.14221/AJTE.2006V31N2.1 - Corpus ID: 55479495
Which One is Better: Saying Student Teachers Don't Reflect or Systematically Unlocking Their Reflective Potentials: A Positive Experience from a Poor Teacher Education Faculty in Ethiopia
@article{Hussein2006WhichOI, title={Which One is Better: Saying Student Teachers Don't Reflect or Systematically Unlocking Their Reflective Potentials: A Positive Experience from a Poor Teacher Education Faculty in Ethiopia}, author={Jeylan Wolyie Hussein}, journal={Australian Journal of Teacher Education}, year={2006}, volume={31}, pages={1}, url={} }
- J. W. Hussein
- Published 1 September 2006
- Education, Philosophy
- Australian Journal of Teacher Education
This paper is informed by Deweyean pragmatism, critical pedagogy, Marxist humanism and social constructivism, all of which see teacher professional learning as a process of constructing knowledge and…
9 Citations
Developing teacher educators: a technocratic rationality versus critical practical inquiry—the Ethiopian experience
- J. W. Hussein
- Education
- 2007
This paper is an experience‐based reflection. Its aim is two‐fold. The first is to critique the technocratic model of developing teacher educators. The second is to speak in favour of the potential…
Professional development through reflective practice: The case of Addis Ababa secondary school EFL in-service teachers
- Degife Gudeta
- Education
- 2022
Abstract The purpose of this research was to examine the reflective practice skills and attitudes that were used by EFL teachers in their professional learning. This study followed a convergent…
Exploring the impediments on the application of reflective teaching in EFL paragraph writing classes
- Dutamo FonkamoAssefa Zeru
- Education, Linguistics
- 2022
Abstract Many theoretical and practical impediments prevent the full implementation of reflective teaching in English as a Foreign Language academic setting. This study aimed to explore potential…
Elements of Reflective and Non Reflective Discourse in an Online Induction Program for Experienced and Novice Science Teachers.
- B. Farrar
- Education
- 2009
It is shown that eliciting reflective thought processes from program participants depends on a variety of factors and can be contextual, and recommendations are made for designing program curriculums and facilitating the type of learning that results in the use of reflective thought by program participants.
Reflective Diary for Professional Development of Novice Teachers
- Martin UkropValdemar ŠvábenskýJ. Nehyba
- Computer Science, Education
- 2019
A paper diary is created that guides the starting teachers of computer science through the process of reflection and poses questions of increasing complexity while also functioning as a reference to the topics covered in teacher training.
The content of electronic mentoring: A study of special educators participating in an online mentoring program
- R. Gentry
- Education
- 2011
The content and frequency of interactions that occurred in an electronic mentoring program involving beginning special educators and their mentors are described and questions about the types of support that new special educators seek and receive are addressed.
Gestión pedagógica y el rendimiento escolar en el área de matemática
La investigacion planteo como objetivo demostrar la incidencia de la gestion pedagogica en el rendimiento escolar del area de matematica en estudiantes de educacion secundaria de la institucion…
El rol de la reflexión en la práctica pedagógica : percepciones de docentes de idiomas en formación
- C. I. MarínNathalia Marín PalacioMiguel Gutiérrez
- Psychology
- 2018
El presente estudio de caso tuvo como proposito conocer las percepciones de los estudiantes de un programa de ensenanza de ingles frente al rol de la reflexion en sus practicas educativas e indagar…
55 References
Reflective Pedagogical Thinking: How Can We Promote It and Measure It?
The Collaboration for the Improvement of Teacher Education (CITE) is a pre-student teaching program that promotes students' reflective thinking about curriculum, methods, and sociopolitical issues…
A theoretical model for the authentic assessment of teaching
- Peter L. Rennert-Ariev
- Education
- 2005
Over the course of the last decade, many higher education institutions that prepare teachers along with states, districts, and national organizations have sought to design new forms of assessment for…
Zen and the Art of Reflective Practice in Teacher Education
- R. Tremmel
- Education, Philosophy
- 1993
In this article, Robert Tremmel explores the possibility of enriching reflective teaching and teacher education programs by transcending the limitations imposed by technical and analytic views of…
The Well-Told Teaching Story: A Resource for Teachers of English
- J. Wagner
- Education, Linguistics
- 1989
In teaching students how to read, write, and think about stories, teachers of English themselves use stories. They also draw upon stories in their discourse with other teachers, stories about their…
The good, the bad and other considerations: reflections on mentoring trainee teachers in post-compulsory education
- J. Hankey
- Education
- 2004
Abstract This article discusses the role of professional mentoring in the training of teachers in post-compulsory education in the context of national initiatives to train and professionalise all…
Beyond the Divide of Teacher Research and Academic Research
- Kenneth M. Zeichner
- Education
- 1995
Abstract This paper explores ways to bridge the separation that currently exists between the worlds of teacher research and academic research. Currently, many teachers feel that educational research…
The Reflective Practitioner
- D. Schoen
- Education
- 1983
The reflection that accompanies the evidence a candidate presents in the performance-based product is a critical part of the candidate's development. Through reflection the candidate begins the…
Understanding the Teaching Perspectives of First-Year Teachers
- K. KilgoreD. RossJohn M. Zbikowski
- Education
- 1990
The effect of school context on first-year teachers' reflective judgment was investigated. Six begin ning teachers were asked to describe a problem that they had encountered in their first year of…
Enhancing Pre-service Teachers' Reflective Practice via Technology Competencies and ePortfolio Development
- M. DavisDeborah Waggett
- Education, Computer Science
- 2006
The different approaches to developing skills and competency in technology, reflective practice, and ePortfolio development of pre-service teachers at LSC and CSC are examined and the resultant course and licensure ePortfolios are compared.
Teacher learning in language teaching=语言教学中的教师进修
- D. FreemanJ. Richards
- Education, Linguistics
- 1996
Part I. Research Issues in Second Language Teacher Education: 1. The Unstudied Problem: Research in learning to teach second languages Part II. Studies of Teacher Decision-Making: 2. Teacher…
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