DOI:10.1287/isre.1050.0065 - Corpus ID: 1295535
Psychological Contract Violation in Online Marketplaces: Antecedents, Consequences, and Moderating Role
@article{Pavlou2005PsychologicalCV, title={Psychological Contract Violation in Online Marketplaces: Antecedents, Consequences, and Moderating Role}, author={Paul A. Pavlou and David Gefen}, journal={Fox: Management Information Systems (Topic)}, year={2005}, url={} }
- P. Pavlou, David Gefen
- Published in Information systems research 1 December 2005
- Psychology, Business
A combination of primary and secondary longitudinal data from 404 buyers in eBay's and Amazon's online auctions support the proposed hypotheses, validating PCV as a central element of buyer-seller relationships in online marketplaces.
626 Citations
Psychological Contract Violation (opens in a new tab)Transaction Intentions (opens in a new tab)Product Misrepresentation (opens in a new tab)Community Of Sellers (opens in a new tab)Online Auction Marketplace (opens in a new tab)Feedback Text Comments (opens in a new tab)Online Marketplaces (opens in a new tab)Price Premiums (opens in a new tab)eBay (opens in a new tab)
626 Citations
Seller Reputation Within the B2C e-Marketplace and Impacts on Purchase Intention
Abstract Online electronic marketplace platforms, a business model that connects buyers with sellers through an intermediary, are steadily growing in Brazil. This research seeks to investigate the…
Psychological Contracts, Antecedents and Consequences: A New Roadmap to Enhance Purchase Intentions in Social Commerce
- Shahbaz HussainYing LiWenli LiMohsin Ali
- Psychology, BusinessACIS
- 2017
Social commerce greatly changes buyers‘ purchasing behaviour now-a-days. Understanding the psychological mechanism of consumers‘ purchasing behaviour is important for both buyers and sellers in…
The Antecedents of Buyers' Perceived Justice in Online Markets
- Shun-Po ChiuH. ChouChao-Min Chiu
- Business
- 2013
It is found that responsiveness is important in enhancing buyers' judgments of interactional justice, and product quality and delivery performance are significantly related to distributive justice, while information quality and contact channel are important antecedents of procedural justice.
Exploring Online Double Deviation Effect from Psychological Contract Violation, Emotion, and Power Perspectives
- Yu-Hui FangChao-Min Chiu
- Psychology, Business
- 2014
This study links the theories of psychological contract violation (PCV), emotion, and coping from the power perspective to investigate the double deviation scenario in online auction marketplaces and sheds light on what constitutes the determinants of consumer judgments while facing double deviations.
in Online Exchange Relationships: A Principal-Agent Perspective 1
- P. PavlouHuigang LiangYajiong Xue
- Business, Economics
- 2006
Despite a decade since the inception of B2C e-commerce, the uncertainty of the online environment still makes many consumers reluctant to engage in online exchange relationships. Elena Karahanna was…
On online repurchase intentions: Antecedents and the moderating role of switching cost
- Chao-Min ChiuYu-Hui FangHsiang-Lan ChengChiahui Yen
- Business, Psychology
- 2013
This study investigates the repeat purchase intention of experienced online buyers. In the research model, psychological contract violation is proposed as a formative second-order construct driven by…
Trust Violation in Electronic Commerce: Customer Concerns and Reactions
- Tim GolesSrinivasan V. RaoSimon LeeJohn Warren
- Business, Psychology
- 2009
The positive relationship between trust and purchase-related variables (such as willingness to buy) has been widely reported in literature. By implication, it is sometimes suggested that violation of…
The Moderating Role of Perceived Regulatory Effectiveness of Online Marketplaces on the Role of Trust and Risk on Transaction Intentions
- David GefenP. Pavlou
- Business
- 2006
It is proposed that the perceived regulatory effectiveness of online marketplaces moderates the impact of trust and risk on transaction intentions, and the degree to which transaction intentions are affected by their trust in the marketplace, sellers will vary in an inverted-U manner depending on how effective the buyers perceive the online marketplace regulation to be.
Psychological Contracts , Antecedents and Consequences: A Psychological Contracts , Antecedents and Consequences: A New Roadmap to Enhance Purchase Intentions in Social New Roadmap to Enhance Purchase Intentions in Social Commerce Commerce
- Hussain HobartAustraliaHussain ShahbazYing LiWenli LiMohsin Ali
- Psychology, Business
Social commerce greatly changes buyers‘ purchasing behaviour now-a-days. Understanding the psychological mechanism of consumers‘ purchasing behaviour is important for both buyers and sellers in…
- David GefenP. Pavlou
- Business
- 2006
Past research has widely regarded trust as unconditionally facilitating transaction behavior, and perceived risk as unconditionally detracting from it. This study advocates the necessity to examine…
134 References
Building Effective Online Marketplaces with Institution-Based Trust
- P. PavlouDavid Gefen
- Sociology, Economics
- 2002
The study shows that the perceived effectiveness of institutional mechanisms encompasses both "weak" and "strong" mechanisms, which contributes to an effective online marketplace, and helps explain why, despite the inherent uncertainty that arises when buyers and sellers are separated in time and in space, online marketplaces are proliferating.
Evidence of the Effect of Trust Building Technology in Electronic Markets: Price Premiums and Buyer Behavior
Despite the wide use of reputational mechanisms such as eBay's Feedback Forum to promote trust, empirical studies have shown conflicting results as to whether online feedback mechanisms induce trust…
Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationships
- Shankar Ganesan
- Business
- 1994
Marketing managers must know the time orientation of a customer to select and use marketing tools that correspond to the time horizons of the customer. Insufficient understanding of a customer's time…
Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model
- David GefenElena KarahannaD. Straub
- Computer Science, BusinessMIS Q.
- 2003
Research on experienced repeat online shoppers shows that consumer trust is as important to online commerce as the widely accepted TAM use-antecedents, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and provides evidence that online trust is built through a belief that the vendor has nothing to gain by cheating.
The development of psychological contract breach and violation: a longitudinal study
- S. RobinsonE. W. Morrison
- Psychology, Business
- 2000
This study examines factors affecting employees' perceptions that their psychological contract has been breached by their organization, and factors affecting whether this perception will cause…
Understanding and Predicting Electronic Commerce Adoption: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior
- P. PavlouMendel Fygenson
- Business, Computer ScienceMIS Q.
- 2006
A longitudinal study with online consumers supports the proposed e-commerce adoption model, validating the predictive power of TPB and the proposed conceptualization of PBC as a higher-order factor formed by self-efficacy and controllability.
Psychological contracts and OCB: The effect of unfulfilled obligations on civic virtue behavior
- S. RobinsonE. W. Morrison
- Psychology
- 1995
This study examines the relationship between violation of an employee's psychological contract and civic virtue behavior. A psychological contract is a set of beliefs regarding mutual obligations…
Agency and trust mechanisms in consumer satisfaction and loyalty judgments
- Jagdip SinghDeepak Sirdeshmukh
- Business, Psychology
- 2000
The authors propose a framework for understanding key mechanisms that shape satisfaction in individual encounters, and loyalty across ongoing exchanges. In particular, the framework draws together…
Special Issue: Trust in an Organizational Context: Trust Transfer on the World Wide Web
- K. Stewart
- Computer Science, BusinessOrgan. Sci.
- 2003
A cognitive model of the trust transfer process is developed, arguing that trust is transfer across hypertext links based on the perceived interaction and similarity of the linked organizations, and that institution-based trust is transferred from the traditional shopping channel to a Web-based organization based on evidence that the Web- based organization has a physical store.
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