DOI:10.1182/blood-2011-10-386995 - Corpus ID: 206906322
Cytomegalovirus reactivation after allogeneic transplantation promotes a lasting increase in educated NKG2C+ natural killer cells with potent function.
@article{Foley2012CytomegalovirusRA, title={Cytomegalovirus reactivation after allogeneic transplantation promotes a lasting increase in educated NKG2C+ natural killer cells with potent function.}, author={Bree A Foley and Sarah Cooley and Michael R. Verneris and Michelle Pitt and Julie M. Curtsinger and Xianghua Luo and Sandra L{\'o}pez-Verg{\`e}s and Lewis L. Lanier and Daniel J. Weisdorf and Jeffrey S. Miller}, journal={Blood}, year={2012}, volume={119 11}, pages={ 2665-74 }, url={} }
- B. Foley, S. Cooley, Jeffrey S. Miller
- Published in Blood 15 March 2012
- Medicine
The kinetics of the NK-cell response to CMV reactivation in human recipients after hematopoietic cell transplantation is characterized to support the emerging concept that CMV-induced innate memory-cell populations may contribute to malignant disease relapse protection and infectious disease control long after transplantation.
621 Citations
621 Citations
Characterization of IFNγ-producing natural killer cells induced by cytomegalovirus reactivation after haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- F. JinHai Lin Yanping Yang
- Medicine
- 2017
Findings support a notion that CMV reactivation induces expansion of more mature NK cells with memory-like features, which contributes to long-term control of both CMV infection and leukemia relapse after haplo-HSCT.
Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-Induced Memory-like NKG2C+ NK Cells Are Transplantable and Expand In Vivo in Response to Recipient CMV Antigen
- B. FoleyS. Cooley Jeffrey S. Miller
- Medicine
- 2012
It is concluded that NKG2C+ memory-like NK cells are transplantable and require active or latent (subclinical) expression of CMV Ag in the recipient for clonal expansion of NK cells previously exposed to CMV in the donor.
Late Development of FcεRγneg Adaptive Natural Killer Cells Upon Human Cytomegalovirus Reactivation in Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Recipients
- L. MuccioM. Falco M. Della Chiesa
- Medicine
- 2018
The data suggest that the acquisition of a fully “adaptive” profile requires signals that may lack in UCBT recipients and/or longer time is needed to obtain a stable epigenetic reprogramming, and provides new insights in the process leading to the generation of different adaptive NK-cell subsets.
Human Cytomegalovirus Infection Promotes Rapid Maturation of NK Cells Expressing Activating Killer Ig–like Receptor in Patients Transplanted with NKG2C−/− Umbilical Cord Blood
- M. Della ChiesaM. Falco A. Moretta
- Medicine
- 2014
It is shown that HCMV infection can drive rapid NK maturation, characterized by the expansion of CD56dimNKG2A−KIR+ cells, even in the absence of NKG2C, and this expanded mature NK cell subset expressed surface-activating KIR that could trigger NK cell cytotoxicity, degranulation, and IFN-γ release.
Enrichment of cytomegalovirus-induced NKG2C+ Natural Killer cells in the lung allograft.
- Christopher M. HarpurS. Stanković L. Sullivan
- Medicine
- 2018
Monitoring the phenotype of NK cells post-lung transplant may be a useful biomarker for monitoring patient levels of CMV immunity.
Impact of HCMV Infection on NK Cell Development and Function after HSCT
It appears that the development of NK cells and the distribution of NK cell receptors can be deeply influenced by HCMV infection, and the emergence of so called “memory-like” or “long-lived” NK cells has been documented.
Adaptive NK cells undergo a dynamic modulation in response to human cytomegalovirus and recruit T cells in in vitro migration assays
- Débora Basílio-QueirósL. Venturini E. Weissinger
- Medicine
- 2022
Investigating the role of a population of innate cells, the adaptive Natural Killer (NK) cells, in the response to HCMV reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation revealed that adaptive NK cells are modulated in response toHCMV reactsivation after HSCT, and shows their ability to eliminate H CMV-infected _target cells after in vitro expansion.
Human Cytomegalovirus Drives Epigenetic Imprinting of the IFNG Locus in NKG2Chi Natural Killer Cells
- M. Luetke-EverslohQuirin Hammer C. Romagnani
- Biology, Medicine
- 2014
The data identify epigenetic imprinting of the IFNG locus as selective hallmark and crucial mechanism driving strong and stable IFN-γ expression in HCMV-specific NK cell expansions, providing a molecular basis for the regulation of adaptive features in innate cells.
Mass cytometry reveals single-cell kinetics of cytotoxic lymphocyte evolution in CMV-infected renal transplant patients
- K. IshiyamaJ. Arakawa-Hoyt L. Lanier
- Medicine
- 2022
In vivo kinetics of lymphocytes in CMV-infected renal transplant patients using longitudinal samples compared with those of nonviremic (NV) patients are interrogated to provide insights into the in vivo dynamics and interplay of cytotoxic lymphocytes responding to CMV viremia.
40 References
Expansion of a unique CD57+NKG2Chi natural killer cell subset during acute human cytomegalovirus infection
- S. López-VergèsJ. Milush L. Lanier
- Medicine
- 2011
The preferential expansion of a unique subset of NK cells coexpressing the activating CD94–NKG2C receptor and CD57 in CMV+ donors is demonstrated and it is proposed that CD57 might provide a marker of “memory” NK cells that have been expanded in response to infection.
Expansion of CD94/NKG2C+ NK cells in response to human cytomegalovirus-infected fibroblasts.
- M. GumaM. Budt M. López-Botet
- Medicine, Biology
- 2006
The data support that the interaction of CD94/NKG2C with HCMV-infected fibroblasts, concomitant to the inhibition of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I expression, promotes an outgrowth of CD 94/NKg2C(+) NK cells.
NK-cell reconstitution after haploidentical hematopoietic stem-cell transplantations: immaturity of NK cells and inhibitory effect of NKG2A override GvL effect.
- S. NguyenN. Dhédin V. Vieillard
- Medicine
- 2005
It is revealed that the NK cells generated after haplomismatched SCT are blocked at an immature state characterized by specific phenotypic features and impaired functioning, having potential impact for immune responsiveness and transplantation outcome.
NK cell education after allogeneic transplantation: dissociation between recovery of cytokine-producing and cytotoxic functions.
- B. FoleyS. Cooley Jeffrey S. Miller
- Medicine
- 2011
Inflammatory cytokine production and cytotoxic function do not consistently coexist in NK cells reconstituting after allo-HCT, suggesting a role for T cells in NK education.
Expression patterns of NKG2A, KIR, and CD57 define a process of CD56dim NK-cell differentiation uncoupled from NK-cell education.
- N. BjörkströmP. Riese Karl-Johan Malmberg
- Biology, Medicine
- 2010
It is shown that CD56(dim) NK cells continue to differentiate, and the associated functional imprint, occurs independently of NK-cell education by interactions with self-human leukocyte antigen class I ligands and is an essential part of the formation of human NK- cell repertoires.
Influence of human cytomegalovirus infection on the NK cell receptor repertoire in children
Data reveal that hCMV may have a profound influence on the NKR repertoire in early childhood, and excretion of the virus was associated with higher proportions of NKG2C+ NK cells.
Adaptive Immune Features of Natural Killer Cells
- Joseph C. SunJ. BeilkeL. Lanier
- Biology, Medicine
- 2009
A mouse model of cytomegalovirus infection is used to show that, like T cells, NK cells bearing the virus-specific Ly49H receptor proliferate 100-fold in the spleen and 1,000- fold in the liver after infection.
A subpopulation of human peripheral blood NK cells that lacks inhibitory receptors for self-MHC is developmentally immature.
- S. CooleyF. Xiao Jeffrey S. Miller
- Biology, Medicine
- 2007
How receptor acquisition correlates with the functional maturation of natural killer (NK) cells is poorly understood. We used quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to compare…
NK Cell Activity During Human Cytomegalovirus Infection Is Dominated by US2–11-Mediated HLA Class I Down-Regulation1
Deletion of UL40 had no significant effect on lysis of infected cells by NK cells, indicating that the expected enhancement of HLA-E expression by specific peptides derived from HCMV-encoded gpUL40 leader sequences was insufficient to confer _target cell protection.
Chronic HIV-1 viremia reverses NKG2A/NKG2C ratio on natural killer cells in patients with human cytomegalovirus co-infection
- E. BrunettaM. Fogli D. Mavilio
- Medicine
- 2010
The inversion of NKG2A/NKG2C ratio characterizes advanced stages of HIV-1 disease in patients showing a concomitant HCMV infection and renders this cohort of patients distinguishable from LTNPs and early HIV- 1- infected individuals.
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