Course reserves

At the beginning of the lectures, we set aside course reserves of literature or films (DVD/Blu-ray) for specific courses at the request of lecturers at the University of Freiburg. These titles are withdrawn from normal library circulation during the semester. At the end of the lectures, the books/DVDs are checked back in and made available for lending again.

The course reserves are located in reading room 1. Films are available for use on site in the Media Centre (3rd OG. Parlatorium). They can be used at the counter of the Media Service.

To apply for a semester package in the winter semester 2024/2025, please send the completed list by 13 September 2024 to

You can add the following media to the course reserves:

  • All borrowable holdings of the UB.
  • A placeholder is set up in the course reserves for reading room collections of the UB. The volumes remain at their location.
  • E-books of the UB are referenced with a placeholder in the course reserves.

For reasons of space, a maximum of 20 titles can be included in the course reserves.

Current course reserves winter term 2024/2025
  • 101 Krieger: Verbraucherpolitik
  • 102 Bösinger I: Onomastik (Namenkunde)
  • 103 Bösinger II: Basiswissen Grammatik
  • 104 Orth: Sexueller Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche seit 1945
  • 105 Badry I: Zeitgenössische Ich-Zeugnisse aus der arabischen Welt
  • 106 Badry II: Religiöse Minderheiten im Islam: Ibaditen und Zaiditen
  • 107 Kortmann: English linguistics: structures
  • 108 Weber: Miete! Mietgeschichte(n) in Freiburg im Breisgau im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert
  • 109 Wöbse I: Wasser! Stoff der Geschichte
  • 110 Wöbse II: Vermittlungsformen der Umweltgeschichte
  • 111 Küster: Musik in Venedig, 1500 – 1800
  • 112 Bianchi: Zu Kants 300. Geburtstag: Aufklärung, Autonomie und Nicht-Beherrschung
  • 113 Hoffmann-Rehnitz: Leben und Überleben im Dreißigjährigen Krieg
  • 114 Leithold: Geschichte, Formen und Praxis des Kurzfilms (DVDs zu diesem Seminar sind im Medienzentrum, 3. OG erhältlich und nur dort benutzbar)
University of Freiburg


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