Provides adjective form of country name in user's preferred language, based on the 2 letter country code or english name.
This template has been copied from Commons as a guide for future development for Commons.
Not all functionality and not all languages supported by the original template may be available. For further information and discussion see the talk page. |
Parameter name | Description | Default value | required or optional?
parameter #1 (1) | Two letter Country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. | empty | required |
parameter #2 (2) | Gender. Possible values:
Languages not needing n or s options should default to m. |
m | required |
parameter #3 (3) | this parameter tells the template whether to use the indefinite article (a/an) at the beginning or not (set to any non-empty value to add an article) | empty | optional |
lang | language code (only needs to be provided if the language shall be fixed and independant from the user's preferences) | empty | optional |
Additional information
The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: all namespaces
The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users
See also
, {{Occupation}}
, {{NationAndOccupation}}
, {{Country}}
বাংলা | English | português do Brasil |
This template is localized through {{Autotranslate}}
To add your language to the list of languages supported by this template, please copy the code of Template:CountryAdjective/en (or any other language version you prefer to translate) and replace the text strings in there (the form below can be used to create a translation, the English version is preloaded in the edit box). Please change the parameter lang
from en
(or whatever language you are translating) to the language code of your language.
Code | Output | Notes |
{{CountryAdjective|US|m}} | American | Short notation - English output |
{{CountryAdjective|FR|female}} | French | Long notation - Russian output |
Country Codes
Country Code | Country Adjective |
AF | Afghan |
AL | Albanian |
DZ | Algerian |
AS | American Samoan |
AD | Andorran |
AO | Angolan |
AI | Anguillan |
AG | Antiguan/Barbudan |
AR | Argentine |
AM | Armenian |
AW | Aruban |
AU | Australian |
AT | Austrian |
AZ | Azerbaijani |
BS | Bahamian |
BH | Bahraini |
BD | Bangladeshi |
BB | Barbadian |
BY | Belarusian |
BE | Belgian |
BZ | Belizean |
BJ | Beninese |
BM | Bermudan |
BT | Bhutanese |
BO | Bolivian |
BA | Bosnian/Herzegovinian |
BW | Botswanan |
BR | Brazilian |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islandian |
BN | Bruneian |
BG | Bulgarian |
BF | Burkinabe |
BI | Burundian |
KH | Cambodian |
CM | Cameroonian |
CA | Canadian |
CV | Cape Verdean |
KY | Caymanian |
CF | Central African |
TD | Chadian |
CL | Chilean |
CN | Chinese |
CO | Colombian |
KM | Comorian |
CG | Congolese (R) |
CD | Congolese (DR) |
CR | Costa Rican |
CI | Ivorian |
HR | Croatian |
CU | Cuban |
CY | Cypriot |
CZ | Czech |
DK | Danish |
DJ | Djiboutian |
DM | Dominican |
DO | Dominican (R) |
EC | Ecuadorian |
EG | Egyptian |
SV | Salvadoran |
GQ | Equatorial Guinean |
ER | Eritrean |
EE | Estonian |
ET | Ethiopian |
FO | Faroese |
FJ | Fijian |
FI | Finnish |
FR | French |
GF | French Guianese |
PF | French Polynesian |
GA | Gabonese |
GM | Gambian |
GE | Georgian |
DE | German |
GH | Ghanaian |
GR | Greek |
GL | Greenlandic |
GD | Grenadian |
GP | Guadeloupian |
GU | Guamanian |
GT | Guatemalan |
GN | Guinean |
GW | Guinea-Bissauan |
GY | Guyanese |
HT | Haitian |
VA | Vaticanese |
HN | Honduran |
HU | Hungarian |
IS | Icelandic |
IN | Indian |
ID | Indonesian |
IR | Iranian |
IQ | Iraqi |
IE | Irish |
IL | Israeli |
IT | Italian |
JM | Jamaican |
JP | Japanese |
JO | Jordanian |
KZ | Kazakhstani |
KE | Kenyan |
KI | Kiribati |
KP | North Korean |
KR | South Korean |
KW | Kuwaiti |
KG | Kyrgyzstani |
LA | Laotian |
LV | Latvian |
LB | Lebanese |
LS | Lesothan |
LR | Liberian |
LY | Libyan |
LI | Liechtensteinian |
LT | Lithuanian |
LU | Luxembourgish |
MK | Macedonian |
MG | Malagasy |
MW | Malawian |
MY | Malaysian |
MV | Maldivian |
ML | Malian |
MT | Maltese |
MH | Marshallese |
MQ | Martinican |
MR | Mauritanian |
MU | Mauritian |
YT | Mahoran |
MX | Mexican |
FM | Micronesian |
MD | Moldovan |
MC | Monégasque |
MN | Mongolian |
ME | Montenegrin |
MA | Moroccan |
MZ | Mozambican |
MM | Burmese |
NA | Namibian |
NR | Nauruan |
NP | Nepali |
NL | Dutch |
AN | Dutch Antillean |
NC | New Caledonian |
NZ | New Zealand |
NI | Nicaraguan |
NE | Nigerien |
NG | Nigerian |
NU | Niuean |
NF | Norfolkish |
MP | Northern Marianan |
NO | Norwegian |
OM | Omani |
PK | Pakistani |
PW | Palauan |
PS | Palestinian |
PA | Panamanian |
PG | Papua New Guinean |
PY | Paraguayan |
PE | Peruvian |
PH | Philippine |
PN | Pitcairnian |
PL | Polish |
PT | Portuguese |
PR | Puerto Rican |
QA | Qatari |
RE | Réunionese |
RO | Romanian |
RU | Russian |
RW | Rwandan |
KN | Kittitian/Nevisian |
LC | St. Lucian |
VC | Vincentian |
WS | Samoan |
SM | Sammarinese |
ST | São Toméan |
SA | Saudi Arabian |
SN | Senegalese |
RS | Serbian |
SC | Seychellois |
SL | Sierra Leonean |
SG | Singaporean |
SK | Slovak |
SI | Slovene |
SB | Solomonian |
SO | Somali |
ZA | South African |
ES | Spanish |
LK | Sri Lankan |
SD | Sudanese |
SR | Surinamese |
SZ | Swazi |
SE | Swedish |
CH | Swiss |
SY | Syrian |
TW | Taiwanese |
TJ | Tajikistani |
TZ | Tanzanian |
TH | Thailandish |
TL | Timorese |
TG | Togolese |
TK | Tokelauan |
TO | Tongan |
TT | Trinidadian/Tobagonian |
TN | Tunisian |
TR | Turkish |
TM | Turkmen |
TC | Turks and Caicosian |
TV | Tuvaluan |
UG | Ugandan |
UA | Ukrainian |
AE | Emirati |
GB | British |
US | US American |
UY | Uruguayan |
UZ | Uzbekistani |
VU | Vanuatuan |
VE | Venezuelan |
VN | Vietnamese |
VG | Virginian (UK) |
VI | Virginian (US) |
WF | Wallisian/Futunan |
EH | Sahrawian |
YE | Yemeni |
ZM | Zambian |
ZW | Zimbabwean |
The above documentation is transcluded from Template:CountryAdjective/doc (edit | history). Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) page. Please add categories to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |