
Prometheus, King of the Shadows

Prometheus, King of the Shadows
(やみ) (おう) プロメティス
English Prometheus, King of the Shadows
Chinese 暗王普羅米修斯
French Prométhée, Roi des Ombres
German Prometheus, König der Schatten
Italian Prometheus, Re delle Ombre
Korean 암왕 프로메티스
Portuguese Prometeu, Rei das Sombras
Spanish Prometheus, Rey de las Sombras
Japanese (kana) やみおうプロメティス
Japanese (base) 闇王プロメティス
Japanese (rōmaji) Yamiō Purometisu
Japanese (translated) Prometheus, King of Darkness
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK
Types Fiend / Effect
Level 4 CG Star CG Star CG Star CG Star
ATK / DEF 1200 / 800
Passcode 82213171
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