Well, if I eat it, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door: so either way I'll get into the garden, and I don't care which happens!
~ Chapter 1
~ 第一章
《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)係一本寫畀細路睇嘅書,作者係卡洛爾,佢嘅真名係 Charles Lutwidge Dodson,本書喺1865年出版。個古仔講個叫愛麗絲嘅細路女跌咗個兔仔窿度,去咗一個古靈精怪嘅地方,同啲識行、識走、識講嘢嘅動物、啤牌,一齊嘅奇遇。原嚟只係發咗一場夢。
而加已有超過五十種話嘅譯本,百幾個唔同嘅版本,重有好多改編作品(戲呀、卡通呀、game 呀)。續集係《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇》。
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, read aloud by the LibriVox project:
Chapter 1 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 2 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 3 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 4 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 5 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 6 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 7 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 8 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 9 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 10 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 11 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
Chapter 12 (file info) — 瀏覽器度播 (beta版)
- 播出來有問題?睇media help.
編輯- 關於愛麗絲夢遊仙境網站(英文)
- An article in The Moscow Times concerning the translation of the story into Russian.
- Lenny's Alice in Wonderland site contains background info, pictures, full texts, story origins, literary analyses, and more.
- Project Gutenberg:
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - 1920 New York publication, HTML
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - plain text
- Alice's Adventures Under Ground - HTML with facsimiles of original manuscript pages, and illustrations by Carroll
- University of Adelaide:Text with illustrations by Tenniel
- Art Passions: Text with illustrations by Arthur Rackham
- GASL.org: First editions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There With 92 Illustrations by Tenniel, 1866/1872.
- British Library:Original manuscript and drawings by Lewis Carroll (requires Flash)
- Indiana.edu: Text only
- GASL.org: Text with illustrations by Tenniel (PDF, coloured edition in the Arno Schmidt Reference Library)
- Duchs.com: Text only (RSS version)
- PublicLiterature.org: Chapter indexed, Searchable text
- Sabiana: Text with illustrations by Tenniel, with a commentary by Dr Marc Edmund Jones
- DjVu editions: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (colour illustrations, searchable, several formats)
- Multiple Formats ( html, XML, opendocument ODF, pdf (landscape, portrait), plaintext, concordance ) SiSU