File:Forms of government.svg

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English: World's states coloured by systems of government:

Parliamentary systems: Head of government is elected by and is accountable to the legislature

Constitutional monarchy with a ceremonial monarch
Parliamentary republic with a ceremonial president

Presidential system: President is the head of government and is independent of the legislature

Presidential republic

Hybrid systems:

Semi-presidential republic: President is independent of the legislature; head of government is appointed by the president and is accountable to the legislature
Assembly-independent republic: President or directory is the head of government and is elected by the legislature, but is independent of and not accountable to it

Theocratic republic: Supreme Leader holds significant executive and legislative power
Semi-constitutional monarchy: Monarch holds significant executive or legislative power
Absolute monarchy: Monarch has constitutionally unlimited power
One-party state: Power is constitutionally linked to a single political party
Military junta: Committee of military leaders controls the government; constitutional provisions are suspended
Provisional government: No constitutionally defined basis to current regime
Dependent territories or places without governments
---- Note: this chart represent
de jure
systems of government, not the
de facto
degree of democracy.

Italiano: Stati del mondo colorati secondo la loro forma di governo:

Sistemi parlamentari: Il capo del governo è nominato/eletto ed è responsabile dinnanzi l’organo legislativo.

Monarchia costituzionale con un monarca per la maggior parte cerimoniale
Repubblica parlamentare con una presidenza per la maggior parte cerimoniale

Sistema presidenziale: Il Presidente è indipendente dall’organo legislativo, nonché capo del governo e capo di stato.

Repubblica presidenziale

Sistemi ibridi:

Repubblica semipresidenziale: Il Presidente è indipendente dall’organo legislativo; il capo del governo è nominato dal Presidente e responsabile dinnanzi all’organo legislativo
Repubblica direttoriale o mista: Il direttorio o il capo di stato è anche capo del governo ed è eletto dall’organo legislativo, ma è indipendente e non responsabile dinnanzi ad esso

Monarchia semi-costituzionale: Il monarca detiene ancora significativi poteri
Monarchia assoluta: Il monarca ha completo ed illimitato potere
Stato monopartitico: Il potere e l’apparato statale sono strettamente collegati ad un singolo partito ed alle sue dinamiche
Giunta militare: Un comitato di leader militari controlla il governo, generalmente in forma transitoria o durante la sospensione o abrogazione delle disposizioni costituzionali
Governo provvisorio: Non sono individuabili categorizzazioni e basi costituzionali per il regime vigente
Territori dipendenti e luoghi senza governi
---- Nota: questo prospetto rappresenta la forma di governo
de iure
di un paese, non il grado
de facto
della sua situazione politica.
來源 File:BlankMap-World.svg, 自己的作品
作者 Newfraferz87


中文(繁體) (zh-hant): 世界的狀態由政體著色
註:部份國家在憲法上是多黨制,但被外界視為獨裁國家。這張圖僅繪出政府體制,並不代表民主化程度。對各國的民主化程度有興趣的的人請參考Freedom in the World 2020.svg


Creative Commons CC-Zero 此檔案於創用 CC CC0 1.0 通用公有領域貢獻宣告下分發。


Official forms of government




作者姓名字串 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Newfraferz87
維基媒體使用者名稱 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Newfraferz87

著作權狀態 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

檔案來源 Chinese (Taiwan) (已轉換拼寫)

上傳者的原創作品 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

多媒體型式 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)




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目前2024年12月9日 (一) 00:29於 2024年12月9日 (一) 00:29 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.05 MB)GlowstoneUnknownSyrian Arabic Republic destroyed, changed tooltip
2024年12月8日 (日) 06:10於 2024年12月8日 (日) 06:10 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.05 MB)Clyde H. MappingUpdated Syria
2024年12月5日 (四) 22:00於 2024年12月5日 (四) 22:00 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.05 MB)GlowstoneUnknownundid Inkscape edits, undid Austria, Poland matches page now (all I ask of Poland is that it's consistent)
2024年12月5日 (四) 16:29於 2024年12月5日 (四) 16:29 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.1 MB)ICommandethupdated austria and transnistria
2024年12月5日 (四) 05:02於 2024年12月5日 (四) 05:02 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.05 MB)GlowstoneUnknownReverted Iran's colour for accessibility reasons (the palette was chosen to be colourblind-accessible, don't change it without consensus), restored Togo edit in CSS format
2024年12月3日 (二) 10:10於 2024年12月3日 (二) 10:10 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.1 MB)ICommandethupdated to fix poland but also keep Togo and Iran changes
2024年12月3日 (二) 04:47於 2024年12月3日 (二) 04:47 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.1 MB)GlowstoneUnknownReverted to version as of 16:32, 2 October 2024 (UTC) Poland à la country wiki talk page
2024年11月24日 (日) 18:11於 2024年11月24日 (日) 18:11 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.1 MB)ICommandethupdated togo and made Iran more different than juntas
2024年10月5日 (六) 02:54於 2024年10月5日 (六) 02:54 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.05 MB)ICommandethThey're dependent territories, not places without governments. It's an either or, not both
2024年10月5日 (六) 00:58於 2024年10月5日 (六) 00:58 版本的縮圖2,754 × 1,398(1.05 MB)GlowstoneUnknownReverted to version as of 07:34, 4 October 2024 (UTC), there was a discussion opened about Greenland, and only me and one other user took part. Faroe and Greenland both have devolved governments, so they aren't "places without government"
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