自我照顧 | |
MeSH | D012648 |
一些人認爲自我照顧和由健康照護業者照顧是對立的,[3]但一些人認爲兩者有更複雜的關係。[4]在現代醫學中,預防醫學與自我照顧最接近。不遵醫囑和精神疾患會讓自我照顧更難進行。[5] 当一个人没有出现任何疾病症状时,常规的自我照顾就至关重要,而在疾病发生时,自我照顾则相当必要。常规的自我照顾的总体益处包括预防疾病、改善心理健康和生活质量。自我照顾被视为全球医疗费用上升问题的部分解决方案,这个问题在世界各国政府中普遍存在。[6]
自我照顧被认为是慢性病患者的一种主要护理方式,这些患者会做出许多日常决定來自我管理疾病。[7][4] 自我照顾是十分關鍵的,而且自我管理教育是对初級照護患者傳統教育的补充,以使在患有慢性病時尽可能提高生活质量。[1]自我照顾是需學習、有目的且持续性的。[8]
编辑- ^ 1.0 1.1 Alexander Segall; Jay Goldstein. https://web.archive.org/web/20210415041544/https://books.google.com/books?id=AZ4o0TI5LqwC
缺少标题 (帮助). Coburn, David; D'Arcy, Alex; Torrance, George Murray (编). Exploring the Correlates of Self Provided Health Care Behaviour. University of Toronto Press. 1998: 279–280 [2013-08-29]. ISBN 978-0-8020-8052-3. (原始内容存档于2021-04-15). - ^ Coburn, David; D'Arcy, Carl; Torrance, George Murray. Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives. University of Toronto Press https://books.google.com/books?id=AZ4o0TI5LqwC. 1998-01-01. ISBN 978-0-8020-8052-3 (英语). 缺少或
为空 (帮助) - ^ Chambers, Ruth; Gill Wakley; Alison Blenkinsopp. Supporting Self Care in Primary Care. Radcliffe Publishing. 2006: 15, 101, 105 [2013-08-29]. ISBN 978-1-84619-070-4. (原始内容存档于2021-04-15).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Riegel, Barbara; Jaarsma, Tiny; Strömberg, Anna. A Middle-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness. Advances in Nursing Science. 2012, 35 (3): 194–204. ISSN 0161-9268. PMID 22739426. doi:10.1097/ANS.0b013e318261b1ba.
- ^ Mertig, Rita G. Nurses' Guide to Teaching Diabetes Self-management. Springer Publishing Company. 2012: 240 [2013-08-30]. ISBN 978-0-8261-0828-9. (原始内容存档于2021-05-01).
- ^ Kollack, Ingrid. https://web.archive.org/web/20210504122137/https://books.google.com/books?id=OY1OT_0vDaEC
缺少标题 (帮助). Kim, Hesook Suzie; Kollak, Ingrid (编). The Concept of Self Care. Springer Publishing Company. 2006: 45 [2013-08-31]. ISBN 978-0-8261-4006-7. (原始内容存档于2021-05-04). - ^ Bodenheimer, Thomas. PAtient self-management of chronic disease in primary care. JAMA. 2002-11-20, 288 (19): 2469–2475. ISSN 0098-7484. PMID 12435261. doi:10.1001/jama.288.19.2469.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Taylor, Susan G.; Katherine Renpenning; Kathie McLaughlin Renpenning. Self-care Science, Nursing Theory, and Evidence-based Practice. Springer Publishing Company. 2011: 39–41 [2013-08-25]. ISBN 978-0-8261-0779-4. (原始内容存档于2021-04-29).
- ^ Ziguras, Christopher. Self-care: Embodiment, Personal Autonomy and the Shaping of Health Consciousness. Routledge. 2013: 14–15 [2013-08-31]. ISBN 978-1-134-41969-2. (原始内容存档于2021-04-29).